Tuesday, August 10, 2010

wat happened?

so i thought we made up last night and everything was alright.

today wen i saw u at lunch. u were acting all silent and moody.
i tried to find a excuse for u so it wouldnt be awkward and asked if u were tired.
u replied yes.
i kept trying to act like nothing was wrong and tried to cheer u up.
but it obviously wasnt working.

u went to ur singing lesson right after, only left with a wave. even though i walked with u there.

i disregard.

afterskool u had choir, u AGAIN went up the stairs to the music center with nothing but a wave goodbye even if i walked right next to u.

i tried to disregard again.

u told me that u would be out after 4 oclock, lastnight. i waited for u....u hadnt come out, and i was worried u had already left. i sat outside waiting just incase.
i look inside the music centre from the windows, i see a clock on the wall saying 4.15
u finally come out. i waited for 15minutes.

...... :\

u said u needed to go to the toilet.
ok fine.
u went in there and stayed in there for like 10 mins as i was waiting outside not knowing at all why u were taking so long.
soon enough inside i had an idea. u were changing for work.
ha...how foolish i was to think u remembered.
i tried really hard to make myself believe u werent....
but u soon walked out, revealing u did.

alright so that didnt really matter. cos its not my reason to see u today.

u asked me what we're gonna do now.
by then i was pissed. u ask me wat we were going to do right after u went against everything planned.

i answered i was going to badminton and u should get picked up now.
i hoped ud say no, u wanted to stay with me and u were sorry.
as expected, u pulled out ur phone and called ur dad to pick u up.

we walked outside badminton. i walked into the front room and u kept on walking. i stopped and asked u where u were going.
u answered saying u were going to wait outside to get picked up.
then u soon changed ur mind saying "fine. ill come inside."

no. i didnt force u to do anything. dont answer with a FINE. u can go wait outside if u want.

u sat down and pulled out ur phone. i couldve went inside and left u waiting outside, like wen i was waiting for u in choir.
but no i didnt, instead i sat down, with our bags in between us.

a few times i wanted to just turn around and say "wats wrong with u? we made up already, why do u have to get all moody and act like things arent the same."
but i couldnt bare to see u sad.

i held the anger in.

ur dad came. u had to go. in my mind i swore at myself, regretting not making up before u had got picked up.
u gave me a meaningless, cold "watever" kiss on the cheek and left.

i was fuming.
i never ever show if i was sad or angry infront of others, i dont only say this but i actually dont. i cant help myself but to be happy around others. its just me.
but today i was just sooooo angry that u had to make things so difficult.
everyone asked me wat was wrong. in my mind i laughed to myself, "i dont even know myself."

u got moody, and at the end of the day made it seem or feel like i was the one to blame. i dont say this just to make myself feel better.
but i seriously feel that u actually thought i was the one acting all up and throwing a tantrum.

worse thing is, i dont get a call, text, or anything afterwards.
u probably dont even know wat u did. and after lastnight saying i should tell u because u wouldnt know everything going on...

point granted that u shouldnt know everything that goes wrong in my life.
but it would seem quite obvious after u ruined all we agreed on lastnight, and act like nothing went wrong and there was nothing for me to get bothered over.

even at this very moment, ur probably thinking im so childish or immature for acting up after lastnight.
but just for the record, i tried to make it cheerful today, but YOU were the one being cold, showing me down, forgetting our agreements.

the worst worst worst thing about all of this was it happened 2 nights ago, over something i dont even know of. u still hadnt had the decency to tell me.
im still lost as to how this all happened.

this is a really long post and i didnt re-read this.this is just me venting. so if any of the above made no sense then fck it.
if u read this and thought wtf. then yes i agree. wtf.
because of this i cant even study for my chinese sac on saturday. and if i fail this i wont be able to do 3&4 chink. so well done on the worst timing ever.

i have nothing else to say but "wat happened?"

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