Thursday, August 19, 2010

new playlistttttt ---->>>>

OMG its been quite some time since my latest post right...?
well atleast it feels like it!
sorry, ive just been OBSESSED with LORD OF THE RINGS FOR THE PAST 3 days!!!
i finished all three movies!!
i highly recommend u watch it. its alot more intersting and ACTION packed the second time u watch it, cos i guess ur older NOW and u understand the concept me, jsut watch it again, ull love it!! :)))) <3

hmmmm so wats going on? methods is being a dick, havent had the average required to do it next year...i shoulda tried harder for the last sac. awell...
so i need to try and study REALLY HARD to be able to do it next thats my excuse if i dont post anything as often.

ive also noticed that some of my blogging frends havent been posting as often either. i suppose after some time u just cbs...
but keep posting!!! i read ur posts!! :)

and chinese zomg, so in regards to the oral sac, its been postpooned to THIS saturday...
so again im in the same sitation, i told myself last week this week would be my chink study week, but obviously i slacked off again, and now im sitting at my laptop wtfing...LOL

so in regards to any outings or parties i cannot attend, its due to my chink and methods. so please forgive :)

ANYWAYS, today, there were parent teacher interviews :D which means DAY OFF!!! dix on u avlia only half day. and DIX on u EVEN MORE GLENNY, only last period off! hahahaha!!

so yes, i met up with my special bird today :) <3
we havent had the chance to hang out cos of all this drama on her behalf and all this stress on mine.
so today was good. :D

i feel so fat, had so much foodd...
well yeah...

SOOOOOOOO!!!! other than just letting in to u readers wats been going on lately, heres some songs :)
enjoy them as i have :)

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