Saturday, January 30, 2010


Recently Ive had a massive happy turn over after getting back to the FULL CRAZY FOR HERRRR stage =D

But as something good happens, the seesaw tilts and something bad occurs.
This friend has been there for me whenever i need her most. She supports me and gives me great advice. She even came to visit me in "JAIL" with a cake and a card all the way from like....well ages. ..... :)

But today something happened. She suddenly changed the entire mood. She seemed so happy, but well, i soon found out that was a act she put up to not ruin MY happy mood.

I couldn't do anything to help her situation. Theres nothing i can do. All i could do was stay up for as long as i can, until she felt alittle better, to keep her company.
I just hope she forgets whats on her mind and truly be HAPPY.

I feel so useless...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The phone :)

BTW, I just couldn't resist posting this. im sorry :( hahahaha!!!

Today I got one of the best phone calls ever :)))))
Although it wasn't the longest call, for just....1 hour and 30 mins or so, it definitely answered alot of my questions and my doubts. It just goes to show how much a team effort in a relationship can do :]
Despite the problems we've had lately, today has brought back many feelings and many memories that we might've lost along the way.
I feel rejuvenated.
She sounds the cutest when she tries to speak cantonese :) "ngor mmm sek." hahahahaha!
We talked about the most random things. It wasnt necessarily about us or our relationship, nor was it about our problems. Just a good mooded talk did the job.
I really hope if anything else goes wrong, we can do this again to make everything better :D

BTW, just to put this out there, im sorry if i opened my shower to all "hot females" T.T ur really the only person i wanted in it ;))))

Monday, January 25, 2010

wat do u expect from me?

if ur gonna ask something that obvious wat do u expect me to say?
do u really want me to tell u and make u feel bad?
yeh, i didnt think so...


sometimes "awww okay" just isnt enough.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


I've been thinking... what would've happened, where would I be right now if i had made different choices back then?
Would I end up being somewhere better? something better? I just looked back at some of the times I've had with some people and what would've happened if I had chosen differently?
What would've happened if i had answered differently in those situations?
Would i be happier? Sadder?
I've questioned my judgment and my choices.
If I hadn't done somethings, would i be here now writing this?
Would i be the person i am now?

But all that doesn't matter now. I'm not going to regret anything.
Because there has been some good choices I've made :)
If i hadn't woken up late today, i wouldn't have gotten chicken wings =D

Friday, January 22, 2010

crazy night!!! :)

Yesterday night was a awesome nights :))))
After dinner, we went to boxhill gardens and had drinks :)
we played spin the bottle, loser drinks :)
As the game progressed, everyone got higher and higher LOOOOL
paul vomitedddd hahahah DICKS
richard just got wastedddddddddddddd

well i personally dont rember much. but yeh....ill just say wat i DOOO remember :)
i rememberrrrr:
- richard pissing on hes own shoe :)
- i asked paul to take me pee pee
- richard kept on falling over
- me bout to exit the wrong train door. :S
- chasing thomas

i was told, i slept on the train and richard kept on trying to touch me downstairs...but i slapped him =D annnndd....apparently i was biting myselfff :S

yeh, well overall, it was a AWESOME night :)))))))

Sunday, January 17, 2010


some ppl just dont get it, they never learn.
fuckkkk, please just stop angering me.


i updated my playlist today on the righthand-side :)))

enjoy :)

Saturday, January 16, 2010


yeah BISH!


We had to wait like.....45 mins for our hair cut right. and this BIG TANK ASSSSSSSSSS guy sits down. Apparently he was waiting for his wife who was getting a cut.
He had 2 sons and 1 daughter. Him and hes sons had the EXACT HAIRCUT, was like a HARDCORE mohawk :O

THIS GUY WOULD BE THE TYPICAL BULLY!!! he was HUGE, GIGANTIC. he had that MURDERER CRAZY DUDE look on hes face ALLLLL the time. he sat down and we could all feel the tension on the air.

This guys a crazy ass. He grabs hes son over and just PUTS HE'S like...3/4 year old SON IN A STANDING ARM LOCK!! I SWEAR HE WAS ONE STEP AWAY FROM SNAPPING HES SONS WRIST OFFFF!!! he was ENJOYING IT!! he had that crazy look on his face and hes evil SMILE as he was yanking his sons wrist offf!!
me and richard just started laughing, we kept on looking away and pretending to laugh on something on our phone just incase he found out we were laughing at him.....i mean srsly, that coulda been US GETTING OUR WRIST SNAPPED OFF!!

okay, so we've calmed down right. We're jsut texting cindy nguyen and shit right. THEN we look up, and THE TANK GUY LEANS OVER TO HES, 3 years old, DAUGHTER WHOSE SITTING NEXT TO HIM AND JUST GROWLSSSSSSSS.
-leans over to really really small girl in dress and "grrrrrrrrr!!!! GRRRRR!!!!!!" and then evil cocky smile-

WE NEARLY PISSED OURSELVES LAUGHINGGGGG he looked at us, but i pretended we had just got a funny text or something, pointing at the phone and showing paul! LOOOOL!!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


wtf. so many clashes on days for me and marvins bday celebration.
cant we all just get along?
fuck me. grrrrrr

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Lastnight me and aaron randomly searched up funny images on google.
I searched "mullet" and i came across this AWESOME photo.

AS soon as i show aaron the photo he DP's it on hes msn.
we had a aweomse laugh last night about this GUYS adventures. We decided hed be named "Joe Dirt." it just so FITS this guy!!

Hes WAGON in the background which he is leaning on was JUST FIXED, by himself and WOLFY (the guy off wolfs creek)
He would HAND sheer hes sheep, and had won FARMER of the YEAR for raising hes CATTLE finely throughout the drought.

I had a MAJOR JIZZING LAUGHING SESSSION today after aaron signed in at around 8pm or so. And hes msn DP of the FARMER GUY just POPPED up!! he then changed hes msn name to "JOE DIRT" and started to talk to richard. I HAD TO LOL
It was one of those uncontrolable laughs that make ur voice go supersonic and no sound comes out :S:S



Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What's the point?

Sometimes do you get the feeling that someone says something not necessarily coz they mean it, but because they feel like they HAVE to in that situation in order to not fuck things over?

Sometimes someone does something which bothers you. They then ask you whats wrong. When they ask you whats wrong, they obviously don't know what they did. If you HAVE to tell them what they did in order for them to know, and then they say sorry, then is there really a point in saying sorry at all?

They say things at that moment to make you feel better and not make it so awkward and screw things over. Then they do the same thing again, and again, and again. :S

Is there a point in telling someone what they did wrong if they do it again? is there a point if they change becoz you HAD TO TELL them and not really becoz they felt like they needed to?

blehhh :S

Monday, January 11, 2010


A couple of days before Alishya invited me and richard to her place along with swanli. I clearly asked her, "will your parents be home." she said her mum would be, but shes totally COOL about she thought.

Firstly, me and richard wake up HOUUURRS before our normal scheduled "time of waking". We catch the BUS at a bus-stop AGEEESSSS away from either of our places. WE WAIT AGGGESS for the bus to finally come. We both buy DAILY TICKETS (very important point coz we cheapos). WE walked like 200 meters into the WRONG street.....then walk back OUT and walk into the RIGHT STREET.....ALL THIS IN A MATTER OF A 43 DEGREE DAYYYYY!!!

Okay, so we finally get there. We just sat down, relax for a couple of minutes, played 2 games of MARIO KART on Wii. THENNNNNNN alishyas mum gets back.
Alishya then tells me and richard WE HAVE TO LEAVE!!! DDDDD:
we got KICKED OUT!
apparently her mum wasnt to HAPPY about it..... =="
okay so all that effort in getting there, we stay for less than 30mins. we walk ALL THE WAY back out to catch the bloody bus and again, WAIT FOR AGES.

At first i was quite pissed. All that effort wasted. PLUS the heat got to me.
but then i calmed down. :)

We called up cindy li :) and she was AWESOME AND GENEROUS enough to accept me and richard..... WITHOUT KICKING US OUT...

So we went to cindy lis house and had a GOOD TIME :)))
richard today, lost EVERY GAME OF POOL (cept for one against cindys dad...which was a pure fluke coz he accidentally hit the 8ball in..)
so richard ended up doing OVER 70 pushups (not in a row) for the day coz of ALLL THE GAMES HE LOST. in the end richards hand were shaking like a crazy frog on drugs :)

richard played very very very very HORRIBLY today, as usual. LOL! =D
IM ASHAMED TO ADMIT, i lost to cindy li at pool :( it was ONE game. and she beat me. BARELY...

Anyways, im proud to say it was a BAD DAY TURNED GOOD :)
it was quite awesome :)

100% winning rate =P

Helping a Friend :)

FIRSTLY, yes im back coz andy encouraged me to give it a shot....=="

Lastnight...well technically THIS around 12am or so. i got a call from a certain FRIEND. This friend had something troubling her for quite some time. Shes been keeping it to herself because she doesnt want to bother everyone else around her. She doesnt believe in her own judgement even though it has helped many around her.

I had to practically FORCE her to tell me what was wrong, above all the distractions IN THE BACKGROUND (fuckn brandon LOL). I tried my best and just told her what i would do in her situation, and clearified her choices and solutions.
In the end i had to break a HUGE DISAPPOINTING news to her. At first i couldnt decide if i should let her know or not because i know it will upset her, but its sorta HALF of the answer she needed.

Finally, we let it all fall down to the flip of a coin :)
she won. LOL
i told her, she took it quite well....i think...

In the end i stayed up all night till 6am doing random stuff talking random stuff... :)
i just hope shes okay now.


okay well as u all know not so long ago, in a matter of 5 MINUTES i decided to STOP blogging.
as i had already explained im a very lazy person.
and guess wat? my lazyness OVERWHELMED conformity.
ok cya laters aligators :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Why did i start blogging. Well, first of all, as most of you know, im really really freaking lazyyyy.
When only a few of my friends started blogging i was like "uuhhh....right, as if get commited to WRITE..."
Then in a middle of one of those RENOWNED R.A.P.T.A convos on msn it seemed as though EVERYONE WAS BLOOODY bloggingggggg. So RECONSIDERING the goods and bads of blogging, and ofcourse GIVING INTO CONFORMITY i decided to start it up. :P