Tuesday, July 6, 2010

im here for u

"Sorry that im always surrounded by drama and you always get dragged into listening. I know you're thinking that 'its okay' but im still going to apologise anyway. Thanks for being here for me anthony, and sticking through everything. i love you."


"no no im not being DRAGGED into listening, im chosing to listen. i want to listen :)
and i know its pretty cliche saying this, but ur problems are my problems :)
i dont say this cos i have to. i've got a pretty damn good reason why i said that =D
its cos wen u have problems, ur sad. and wen ur sad im sad, cos i dont like seeing u sad :( i want to see u smile :)
so wen u have a problem, it directly effects me :(
i want to be there for u. i want to be the shoulder u lean on. i want to be the person u yell at wen ur angry. i want to be the tissue that wipes ur tears. i want to be the arms that hold u.
so u dont need to apologise for anything, its not ur fault that i love you :) ♥ "

- you know who u are ;)

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