Sunday, July 18, 2010

101th post :)

yes this is my 101st blog post :)
its quite a event :))))

very proud i actually took blogging on board, its kinda helped me vent and express myself throughout the time of need :)

wats up....soooo...methods sac, accounting sac AND english oral is tmr...
not prepared AT ALL.

i got dogged today. FUCK U MATE IF UR READING THIS, i mean...CUNT =="

yes so i probably SHOULD post something, since they specially MENTIONED on their blog i should post something about themmm.... thing i want to mention, u cried. fckn pussy. LOL jokesss :))))
gnnawww i hope everything gets better. im sure ull be a good girl and not wag anymore, eveyrhting should be alright then :)
yeah, uve been quite nice to me. and yeah. thanks :)
i dont really know wat to write, but u should feel special ur in my 101th post.

LOOOL u apparntly got hurt cos of THIS post :(( im sorry.
ill add this bit on though :))
thanks for treating me as a real frend :)
but u really need to tell me wats wrong :( alot of the times u deny it until i FORCE u to spill the beans. u should tell me, i want to know :(
and yes. since day 1 we had a special connection, maybe cos ur a dude also, but we became besties in a night :))) i remember how we texted each other at my bbq the next morning wen i got like....4 hours of sleep! ahhahahaha!! that was funny.
oh and the webcam sessions were gold :)
especially now that u got toady :D
well anyways i hope u read this and go "gnnnnnawwww, he remembers"
i love you. WOOOOOPPS typo, sorry i mislead u :))
LOOOL the bros :)
u brotherly cunts (cunt is the new mate) just yes. thanks for being there for me wen i needed, cept for the dog that made me carry my books in the rain alone ==" bitch. LOL

now to the special someone. hi there :)
we've been through quite a bit recently. we nearly destroyed wat we built :(
but the thing is, we're all good now, so thats wat really matters :)
i hope that nothings changed, well if so, for the better :)
i love you :) <3

wat else....okay so quite a few outings are dued soon in the up coming weeks.
im living off $30.
sigh. i think i need some money ;)

uhhh....and a little thing to go out to my french frend. things have changed... we dont talk to each other anymore. ive seen u around mc and stuff, but i dunno, i just feel this coldness. we're like strangers now. im sorry for the pain that ive caused. but i really do miss our frendship. hope all goes well :)))

oh and this really awesome tit that i met not long ago at frends birhtday. yes she is quite cool aswell....supposedly shes the fastest in her soccer league. LIES. must be a pretty shit league. LOL joookesss :) yeah shes nice to talk to. it feels like ive known her for ages...although its been like a weeek only :P

and now to the philo ESPECIALLY. all i have to say if ur reading this is, protect the ones that u love. smack those two fat and skinny white trashes. but mate, ur a true blue :)

to choi boy, i hope all goes well with u and ;;;;;)))) cos u know, through all that, i really think u guys deserve each other :) hope she likes the present we chose :D

to tomfirefag, happy fckn birthday dude. LOL abit late...but yes. dont doubt urself, u just havent met the right one yet. and as to ur studies, i think u should get a new swivel chair, its good for ur back, maybe thatd help u concentrate. :)

and as for the springy dog. FUCK U ditched ME!! yes i was alone in the rain carrying my methods book ==" faggot. but yeah u know, been bros for way to long to hold a grudge against u, if u read this, im over it. see u next sat. LOOOOLL!!!!

hmmmm lets
yes a special post to u cos ur going to korea soon D: fuck man...i know we havent been frends with each other than the rest of those cunts. but mate. i'll miss u heaps :(((( ur the least dog man. uve stood by me in time of need. well done cunt.
and shout me tickets to korea wen u hit bigtime. we'll rock those korean ladddddieesssss ;)

and to whoever that just went through all the trouble just to read wat i had to write, thanks for reading my thoughts. it means something to know that someone cares about wat i have to say. :)))
about to eat dinner noww....
so LUHTERSSSS!! :))))

ps; if u read this ur special to me. but gay. :)

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