Monday, May 3, 2010

not the same? & i dont hate u.

[im posting 2 posts as one.]

not the same?

So we havent hung out in i mean i can barely remember ur face.
all i remember are those good fun times we've had.
i wouldnt have been so distant if i didnt HAVE to.
i didnt really have a choice... but now i think things calmed down and things changed.

i was with some friends, i saw you and u came over to say hi. it felt coldddd.....
just everything seemed so weirdd....i felt like the friends i introduced u to, are sort of introducing ME BACK to YOU....that sucks. now i know how far we really faded.

awell, shit happens.
i really hope ur not reading this. cos if u are, -AWKWARD- so dont.


yes so its been ALSO ages, since we've talked and stuff we've talked but not really....TALK TALK. and im sorry for that, if im giving u the sign that i dislike u or i hate u, cos i really dont.
i have my reasons in what i do. i dont hate u honestly, i do NOT HATE U. ur not retarded either. and just stop doubting urself, we both know deep inside that ur better than u think u are.

not the same? & i dont hate u.
: "i have my reasons."

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