Monday, May 31, 2010

gasing the fire

this just frustrates me even MORE.
i was just sad and down to begin with,
i try to study and then BOOM.
okay, somethings wrong, just dont tell me wat it is yeah?
fck this.


wen all was going so well, how does the mood all change in so little time?
wat the serious fuck?

shower. maybe id feel better afterwards.


we missed 6th, I WAITED FOR this one for a month.
mmmmm 7th month today.

so i was hoping we could spend it together, well atleast let me see U?
i go and wait till 6.
i DIDNT do any study =="
hoping u can make it after.
oooooh okay, so u cant COME? alright.

well, happy 7th then.

-as i clicked "Publish Post" you called.


Oh i'm a dick now?
well, this is for calling me a dick. even though i spent two hours making this shit for you.

asswipeee, go clean some assses.
Hahah jokes :)

goodnights! (S)
ps. you may delete this afterwards :)


This post is the lyrics to my first song. And...i guess i chose to post the lyrics up cos i guess i can relate to it...well last night was sorta like that...we argued over nothing, we both got really pissed, the lyrics really do express my feelings for her, and she DID call me in the end, like in the songggg...we worked it outtt...soo yeah.....enjoy! :)
Shiny - Sometimes
I’ve known you for so long baby,
And it’s been about what? 4, 5 months?
And about one month we’ve been official.
I just had to make one about us.
I love you baby.

You see this distance, it’s just tearing us apart,
But I’m, willing to work this out cos I love you with all my heart.
You see, that I’m doing whatever it takes just to keep you here,
But sometimes shit gets hella ugly and I can’t keep my mind clear.
And baby, sometimes I know we start to yell and raise both our voices,
Then we start to bitch at each other making these beeped out noises.
Sometimes you accuse me of doing something in which would hurt you,
But I just wish you would just see everything through my point of view.
Cos I love you and I promise that I wont ever do you wrong,
I promise that ill make this relationship work and last long.
And don’t you ever think that I would ever gon’ replace you.
Cos ain’t nothing in this world can erase the things we been through.
I love you.

Sometimes I know we start to argue,
Sometimes I know that it gets hard to,
Disagree about somethings, and then we fight and fuss,
But everytime you leave, I end up missing you so much.

I’m sorry for acting up and being strange, its just,
The effect you give me, cos your love is out of range, and it,
Hurts just to go through, a whole weekend alone without you.
Without you I can’t smile, cos baby I don’t know how to, but I,
Thank you for all the things that you have done for me, from,
Being the best girlfriend to catering all of your love to me, I,
Must be the luckiest kid alive to have somebody like you,
But I just hate that fact that sometimes we start to argue, and yes,
Things could be better, but I’m glad it isn’t worse.
Being in the search of love and finding our trust is thirst, but the,
Fact that we don’t see any trust in each other hurts,
That’s why I get insecure sometimes because I’m still in search. So don’t,
Think I don’t love you whenever I get mad,
I know you start to cry, and I know that you get sad, its just,
Sometimes we don’t, realise the things we do,
Cos half the time we just don’t see that we’re just being true.
And I love you.

Sometimes I know we start to argue,
Sometimes I know that it gets hard to,
Disagree about somethings, and then we fight and fuss,
But everytime you leave, I end up missing you so much.

“I just wanted to call to tell you that I miss you…and…I know sometimes we argue…and shit…But, I want you to know that I really do appreciate everything you do for me. And I know sometimes I don’t show it, but I really do care for you, a lot. And, yeah…ill always be here for you. Yeah..i love you! Bye.”


Sometimes I know we start to argue,
Sometimes I know that it gets hard to,
Disagree about somethings, and then we fight and fuss,
But everytime you leave, I end up missing you so much.

Friday, May 28, 2010


where? no-where.
when? never
who? not me

why? only you know.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


exams are so draining and stressful.
cant we just all enjoy life and do wateva we want in the future? =="
bloody vce....

awell, its ONLY year 11 =D

Monday, May 24, 2010

Thats all i can do

You're sad about it, and how she treats you.
I really want to do something about it
ive suggested so many thingssss....but then you're to nice to let me do them :(

I guess all i CAN do is just comfort u..but i know that no matter how much i try, ur still going to feel like shit.

cheer up, she isnt worth ur time or effort.

i love you <3

Sunday, May 23, 2010

they'll love you!

You meeting them is a pretty good idea.
i dont really mind, as long as u want to. but i like this idea!
i just know they will definitly like you!
i think its time we took that step anyways =D
well done on bringing it up!!
im sure they'll love you as much as i do :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

and you dont even realise.


when you're not in my view, I look for you.
hey there, oh okay, just put me in the queue.
ill WAIT, until ur finally done.
my turn now? oh times up, u gotta run.
ill talk TO you later, yep SEE YOU then.
lunchtime, oh you've disappeared again?

i text you in class COS i miss you.
i see you again! will u come over?
oh wait, u didnt see me, maybe i was being covered...

you're WITH YOUR FRIENDS, sitting down.
i walk over, its embarassing, i feel like a clown.
no sign of appreciation, am i intruding?
IM sorry i missed you, i think i should be leaving.

Have you ever thought of me? whats going through my mind?
its not ALWAYS ABOUT YOU, i need some attention at times.
maybe you should come get me? come meet my friends?
you think its awkward? thats me, down my strings end.

afterskool, i come get you.
i do it everytime, as usual =="
I try not to let you know, wats on my mind.
cos if you knew, youd FEEL undermined.

i tried to hide it, but the PAIN was so great.
so great infact, i didnt want to communicate.
im sorry if i sound selfish, i really am.
maybe i dont deserve attention,
just another car in a traffic jam....

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


jason has been in the hospital since over the weekend for a lung failure.
so me, thomas and paul went to visit him today at monash hospital.
wen we got there, we met up with ben and jay aswell, who was already by jasons bedside :)

sooo...jason was ALRIGHT but has a tube into his ribs and another tube in his forearm.
we made a few jokes about his dinner (a carrot, mashed potatos, piece of bread and soup) and about him not being able to jack off :)

i sorta had a feeling he needed tonights laugh. woulda think hed be lonely :(
well his coming out soon. so thats always good :)

Get Well Soon BRODA!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

frends to enemies?

a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter

a person who feels hatred for, fosters harmful designs against, or engages in antagonistic activities against another; an adversary or opponent.

It really sucked to see two of my closest friends go at each other. Someone was going to get hurt. Friends to Enemies.
was it really worth it? over a accident?
i tried my best to hold them back, but alone, i cant hold two people.
but thankfully, in the end they made up.

but even wen a nails pulled out of a fence, there will always be a hole.

But i guess, in this case, Love Overcame Hatred

thanks :)

thank u for staying up to talk to me.
i really can truly say i feel more cheerful
uve cheered me up.
i dont think anyone wouldve stayed up that long with me tonight, until im tired, except for u. thank u :)
sorry i couldnt tell u....but yeah. goodnight twin :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

i dont know

WHY does it all have to happen again?
do u have to DO this so that our frendship just crumbles?
YOU obviously dont really see wat ur doing...
i guess somethings just KEEP happening to some people.
i dont know wat i can do...
i set myself on busy and "doing homework" to avoid i wouldnt have to think about wat to say to you..
its MAKING ME FEEL SORRY for you, but thats just not how it works.
its hurting more people than you really think.


Monday, May 10, 2010

To My Special Chubby Swan :)

These pass 6 months have been my best,
we've had our ups and downs,
But you're the only one; no contest.
Today you gave me our old chatlogs,
of the good times that we had; back in the day.
When we were stuck and fogged, and it began to rain.
Thunder nearly struck, but thankfully,
you gathered all your courage and you asked me,
if i wanted to hang out on that saturday afternoon.
i said i would, i was over the moon.
When i arrived we got sorta confused,
cos i took the wrong bus, to get to you.
its so embarrassing, i got to admit...
so i walked back up cos i didnt want to quit.
i really wanted to see you, so i would have a chance,
to ask you out and be your man.

I read the very first time that we talked,
we were introduced,and u had already clogged up my thoughts.
You were at the time addicted to restaurant city, and forced me to trade.
but the only thing i wanted to do was take you out on a date. :)
11.11, our special times,
i would text to you, telling you how u truly shine.
i remember so much, like each and everytime that we kissed,
times i had with you swanli, that i will forever reminisce.

I Love You (L)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

it sucks.

it sucks to hear u say it.
it sucks so bad wen i hear u say those things.
it sucks that u dont know wat u say.
it sucks wen u have no idea wat u did.

are u okay?

u seem down lately....i ask u why...u say ur finee and that everything is okay.
i make u promise that everything is fine, u refuse, something must be wrong....
u tell meee...i listen....i cant do much more than that...i really dont know wat to say...
i just want u to cheer up and stop feeling so badddd....its not ur fault :(

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


"well I LIKE YOU because you make me laugh and smile you actually care about me, and I can trust you with anything
hm ... i like you BECAUSE you're not like any other guy and you dont act like a dick because you know you've got game. YOU treat me with respect and i dunno, just being with you MAKE ME insanely HAPPY haha
oh and i dont like you .
i love you"

- Her

"well i like YOU because wenever we ARE together you ALWAYS lift me up. i dont even tell u that somethings ON MY MIND but just you being you makes me so much more happy. ur really cute the way u doubt urself but try to act confident :) when im with you i can be myself, I dont need to try to impress you because i know you wont judge me. there are so many good things i can say about u, but i dont know how to say it....maybe...i dont even know why i like you. but i do know, that ur the reason i wake up EVERY morning to go to school, just to see you. i do know that every TIME YOU SMILE, my chest sinks and my heart melts. yes i know, this is abit corny, but it is the truth.

- him

thank youuuu :)

sooo tonight has been quite a nightt
it started okay.
then downhilled...because of my impulsive thinkingggg :\
i went down the wrong wire :)
but then luckily i got a little somebody that i supposedly got SICK =="
to talk to me about it all....
and i finally thought it through.
nothing really to get worked up over. its NORMAL. ahahahah
im so stupid :)

well thanks SPECIAL FRIED RICE WOMAN!!! :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

dot dot dot

"YOUR the one that i give up for, the FIRST i took for real,
but IM obviously nothing, being SECOND it isnt ideal.
HE'S the one that makes u smile, BETTER than i could.
you'd rather poems THAN jokes, if you told ME i would've understood."

- a.h


i dont know wat it is. u tell me things that are different from wat i see.
every word cuts me like a knife.
i feel 2nd rate.

everyone has their own freedom, i guess its just me.


M for March
M for MEETING you
M for reading my MIND
M for MAKING it fun
M for being there for ME
M for knowing something im not MEANT to
M for crumbling at MY feet.
M for MELTING away.

M for mmmmmmmmm....


Remind me of the good think so many could happen in so little time....
the ups and downs in a matter of weeks...mmmmmm...
u told me about those times..telling me that u missed them too.
u asked me wat had happened...
that just kept replaying the reasons whyyy...

everythings engravedddd, unforgettable.
soo...whos got a time machine? i wish i never knew.

Monday, May 3, 2010

you know me all to well...

you know me all to well.
yes i did happen to read it.
yes im not as high as i can be.



maybe 2 hours ago...from NOW..
now THAT, was awesomeeeee.
i hope u enjoyed it as much as i did :)))

i love you <3

not the same? & i dont hate u.

[im posting 2 posts as one.]

not the same?

So we havent hung out in i mean i can barely remember ur face.
all i remember are those good fun times we've had.
i wouldnt have been so distant if i didnt HAVE to.
i didnt really have a choice... but now i think things calmed down and things changed.

i was with some friends, i saw you and u came over to say hi. it felt coldddd.....
just everything seemed so weirdd....i felt like the friends i introduced u to, are sort of introducing ME BACK to YOU....that sucks. now i know how far we really faded.

awell, shit happens.
i really hope ur not reading this. cos if u are, -AWKWARD- so dont.


yes so its been ALSO ages, since we've talked and stuff we've talked but not really....TALK TALK. and im sorry for that, if im giving u the sign that i dislike u or i hate u, cos i really dont.
i have my reasons in what i do. i dont hate u honestly, i do NOT HATE U. ur not retarded either. and just stop doubting urself, we both know deep inside that ur better than u think u are.

not the same? & i dont hate u.
: "i have my reasons."

im not hungry

i know things that you don't know i know.
i can feel it.

i don't want to eat any snacks, i want to just eat my dinner.