Tuesday, May 3, 2011

what do i see?

Life is a journey. We all start at the same point but always end in different places, which is shaped by family, friends, money, jobs and other everyday things that at times we take for granted.

I guess on my journey in life I've had my own ups and downs, and I've met my share of different people. Well I'm not going to talk about my entire life right now because that would take me a long assssss time.

I honestly have no idea what Im going to write, i just feel like theres something in me that i have to write about...

I think everyone has, at some point, looked at a place and you would remember the times, whether good or bad, you have shared at that exact spot.

Well looking at someone, a person who you had once known so well, someone that had made such a huge contribution to your life, your reality, a wave of memories flood into your mind. I guess, we as people take things for granted and don't actually have those flash backs until we actually lose the person we had once cherished so much. Just living through the fact that nothing is the same anymore, that not you or they are the same, hurts. The worst part is acting like things are fine, pretending to be normal, but in true fact it is awkward as hell. Its awkward in a sense that you cant be too close, yet you have to act like you have not grown distant. When you see them, a question crosses your mind, "how should i say hi?" wave? smile? say hello? its fucked.

So what do i see when i look into you? i see a box of memories.

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