Sunday, May 22, 2011


been a while since ive partied so hard :) well....ive partied hard not THAT long ago at bluefest which we crashed...
but this time was partying alot harder!!
MOST of the boys were there. good as dj. kickarse dancefloor. mad as night :)
my legs are tireddddd!!
but thats a sign of SUCCESS!! I PARTIED LIKE AN ANIMAL! hahaaha!

but yeah, on another note, im very proud of some of my friends, who have been kept back by strings and chains from past relationships and have tonight, gone out there and made it THEIR night :)

and another congratulations on other friends who have came out of their shell, they have released themselves and had a great night :)

what am i doing now? no i am not studying, no i am not playing a game, no i am not eating.....i am waiting for the next party :)

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