Monday, March 28, 2011


zomgg ive havent been feeling well for like 2 days....but u know, being the tank that i am i tired to beast it! but this morning as i woke up, i realised i couldnt :( it had gotten worse.

i called up the schoool and told them i wouldnt be able to make it and that my further sac would have to be rescheduled, that worked out fine :)
but now i got no calculator to study for my NEXT further sac which is TOMORROW!!! and my business sac also....but i guess i had one whole day at home to get stuff done right?
ive been sick so ive been sleeping until like 1. then went to doctors and been there till 2.
got home rested for the time being and i only JUST start touching any books at all.
made no difference as to if i came home at 3 or not :S

oh wells, i hope im better for tomorrows two sacs :\

head hurts, imma hop off now. TTYL!! :)

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