Wednesday, March 23, 2011

get well soon!

OMFG! i cannot believe i did not post it!
ive been wanting to post up a post about one of my closest friends going to hospital, i kept reminding myself to do it, but i never came around to it! well here it is.

hes had this spontaneous lung thingo...i have no idea wat its called...but basically, a hole randomly appeared in his lung, and he had chest pains for like an entire day. he went to the doctors and had an xray, and wat not, and was confirmed he had been diagnosed with that thingo.

well yeah, we went to visit him and all, had a good time...not that we were happy he wasnt well and all, but we tried to cheer him up...the best we could ;) nipple. LOL

and yeah, well hes ok now. he was in hospital for like....a week or so, and now hes alright to come back to school. but he just cant walk too fast or like get hit or bumped around his midsection. but yeah, i hope he gets well soon!!!!

and just hope that the thingo never comes back :S

anyways, take care me boy! :D

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