Sunday, June 19, 2011

check in!

okay this is going to be very quick, cos im going out very soon!!!

sorry to my dearest readers taht i have been very slow on updates!!!
ive just been busy doing this and that! and being too tired in the night to write something :(

well yes, formal at brighton international was alright. got a tad boring in between but it was a nice experience :) we took many photos, most of which on johnos camera which he may be uploading sometime soon :D

afterparty was better than the formal itself :) i finally drank again, as my deadline was met. for those whom didnt know, i made a commitment since February to not drink until formal night! well yeah, CHECK! :)

i didnt drink that much though, enough to get to a very tipsy stage but not yet DRUNK drunk.

and we left the apartment at like 2pm the next day :)

OH! and ive gotten formpring as of lastnight as a friend had urged me to get one. so yeah here it is muderfkers!!

ps: no haters.

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