Saturday, February 12, 2011

checking in

yes yes, i know. its been quite a while since my lasttttt posttt!!!
well u know, just entering year 12,its tough!!!
so much homework lately!!
and we had camp not long ago, during the week,
swimming sports etc!
but u know, so far so good, a good go slow start to the year i guess :)

so tomorrow, 19 degrees hopefully not raining. meeting a friend so she can help me with my chinese homework :) ty.
and also, HELPING another friend in well, lets just say what goes around comes around.

ahhh yes, valentines day is coming up on the 14th of February!
dunno if i should get a valentines or all seems so quick, but i guess its a good sign to show that its time to move on and live new lives.
but im just not sure if i want to....mmm ohwells,
to those that've already gotten dates for valentines WELL DONE :))) but for those that are still single for valentines, dw just drink it away! :)))

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