Thursday, February 24, 2011



cos i got an "A" :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

so fuck u all :)
nah jokes, i love you <3

but farrrrrrsss, im happy :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


farrrrrrsss. trying my best to stay away from such problems until the end of year 12. trying to just study and not worry about everything else. trying to stay clean and be the best i can.
i guess there are some things that just cant be dodged. family.
when you're down the same bloodline as he is, you inherit his problems, his beef, his fights.

lets see what i can do.

Monday, February 21, 2011


so not long ago i got your letter, expressing exactly what you feel.
i still dont know how to reply to it yet.

today i told you i would give you our blue book tomorrow and i was thinking i would give a reply in it aswell,
but thinking about it more and more, i think i just need more time to actually write out exactly whats on my mind.
give me a week.
just one week.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


farrrrrsssssss deakin program thing has been soooo borrrrrinnnggg!!!
such a drag,
we do nothing but sit in lecture theatres and hear randoms talk about random stuff.

so we've also had our english orals there aswell, and for me, it was BAD!!!
i was reading my cards out right, doing alright, hanging onto perhaps a B grade mark until i went like half way into my speech.
i realised as i was reading i was missing a q-card.....i froze for 15 seconds and i see in the back row that hung picks it up!
so now i think id be getting a C or C+ or something fail-asian :(
wat a start to year 12 yeah?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines day/200th post/6000 views

So today is a BIG day,
it marks VALENTINES DAY, my 200th blog post (this one) AND we finally reached 6000 views :))))
[warning long post]

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE!! :))) i hope that everyones enjoying their valentines day whether you've got a date or you're single. i hope everyone gets tonnes of chocolates and roses :)))

so its valentines and during the recent days that led to today ive been thinking and considering if i should ask someone to be my date for valentines, but i guess it just doesnt feel right to have somebody else by my side after all that has happened. i wish i had the courage to disregard her feelings, i guess this year ill be spending it alone...again.
For those who dont know, by again im referring to what happened on the 14th of feb last year, well basically my ex had to go to camp so i spent it alone.
i just want to sit on a bench with someone, give them a rose and a box of chocolates and just talk.
well i guess theres always next year :)

200th post!! wooooooot!!
so this post would be my 200th post and it feels like a long one so far. i guess out of these 200 posts there are some happy and some sad, each post representing a page of my life filled with my emotions and thoughts, me at my highs and at my lows.
i dont know how many posts will be coming after this one cos of year 12 and i wont be having much time, but i promise to keep on trying to post stuff :)

6000views NOICE MOITE! :D
okay, plain and simple, I LOVE YOU ALL and thank you for the support!!! thanks for actually taking the time to read the shit i write such as this long ass one :) i know i know, u must be thinking "wtf man, this kents taking forever" chill out nigga!
now lets pursue 6500 views :D thanks kieeentssss!!

anyways, im really tired now, so imam call it a night, goodnights peeps!!!

PS: i was typing this and this song jsut popped out randomly, ive had this song for quite sometime now, but right now i think its perfect and the lyrics really reflect on 14th of feb for me :) ive added it to the playlist on the right so enjoy feggots!!

PSS: To her: thanks for the card last year.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

checking in

yes yes, i know. its been quite a while since my lasttttt posttt!!!
well u know, just entering year 12,its tough!!!
so much homework lately!!
and we had camp not long ago, during the week,
swimming sports etc!
but u know, so far so good, a good go slow start to the year i guess :)

so tomorrow, 19 degrees hopefully not raining. meeting a friend so she can help me with my chinese homework :) ty.
and also, HELPING another friend in well, lets just say what goes around comes around.

ahhh yes, valentines day is coming up on the 14th of February!
dunno if i should get a valentines or all seems so quick, but i guess its a good sign to show that its time to move on and live new lives.
but im just not sure if i want to....mmm ohwells,
to those that've already gotten dates for valentines WELL DONE :))) but for those that are still single for valentines, dw just drink it away! :)))

Saturday, February 5, 2011

no title

mmmmm so i dont even know anymore.

we need to get our relationship straight, what we are and what we mean to each other.

i really want to move on, live my life and do what i gotta do. but its hard to erase whats been engraved for over a year :\

maybe its just that time of the night, but my mood is just nkfdgnadkjgnd.

fuck this, imma eat some doritos.