Monday, December 27, 2010

to every beginning, theres an end.

yes so today, i went chaddy and city.
and i got a saxony shirt for $40 and a ck shirt for $35 :)
im quite happy with such but i cant seem to feel empty.

is it that i miss having someone around? or i miss the good times we had? or could it be im simply missing her.

wen she told me she missed me, it really hurt to see shes holding on. i want to say i miss her too, but i dont want to have to keep her hanging. i dont want her to wait for me, because nothing lasts forever.
to every beginning, there's an end.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


merry christmas to everyone.
thanks for the support throughout the year :)

i hope everybody has a nice christmas and gets tonnes of presents!!!


Friday, December 24, 2010


yes it hurts. but i learnt today that being around ur friends at ur worst really relieves the pain. not only because being around ur friends make u happy, its more so they preoccupy u to not think about the pain :)

its more so, when ur alone. whether when ur walking, sitting or eating. u cant help but to think and reminisce about the good and bad times.
every word pops up into ur head. every word, every memory cuts u.

listening to the playlist of songs u both made over the time, every song with a different meaning, telling a different chapter of ur relationship with her.
everytime its 11.11 thinking about her, but have to hide it.

drinking doesnt numb the pain. it expresses it. but i dont want to express it yet.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Last words.

i love you deeply and truly with all my heart. you make me smile everyime you did. you make my sad everytime you are. the hardest thing i had to do, was to be someone i wasnt, someone trying to hurt you. im sorry. when it was dark, you made it bright. when it was wrong, you made it right. when i was lost, you were my light. i will miss you. i love you swanli chew <3

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The hardest thing i've ever done.

2 sides of a story

no matter what the situation is, there is always two sides of a story.
people should really hear and understand the OTHER side of the story before making accusations and assuming one side is either right or wrong.

some may say or think im unworthy or undeserving, but all this time they've probably only been hearing one side of the story and already jumping into conclusions titling me as the "bad guy". To be honest, i am a bit frustrated because they dont know or understand, but then again, i don't really care, because i dont want them to.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Unnecessary Pain

Checking in

nothing much to write about, just checking in again :)

hmmmm so basically my very asian parents have decided i must buckle down to do extremely well for my vce next year.... :(
i suppose it is true that i have to work extra hard to make up for the time ive lost in the past by mucking around and shit, but still.....cbf!!!

but yes, this means limiting myself to partying, drinking, going out etc. i know it sucks. :(
so basically, BE PREPARED FOR ME TO NERD UP!!!!

OOOOH and just today me and some friends went to the syndal gym for the holiday program!
We didnt think we'd do much, but it was pretty fun going with like 6 friends just gyming, sitting next to each other and talking and stuff :)
im kinda aching from it, and slept at around 6, woke at 10 to eat dinner =D

i am yet to buy my school books....and im suppose to read like 4 novels before school last book took me 6 months to read. yeah. :P

anyways, imma go download some more music for a while and hopefuly update my playlist sooooooon!!! brace URSELVES :D

Saturday, December 11, 2010


why is it sometimes when you're faced with a problem, you will go to that person for help or to talk, even though you two havent spoken properly and deeply in ages?

though there are many other people you couldve chosen to text, call watever that night, you chose to contact that particular person.

but once they ask you "wats wrong?" you realise something, and you reply "dw. goodnight."

wtfs up with that?
if you were to reply like that, why ask if they were "still up" in the first place?

im deeply disappointed.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


ooooooomg. the dentist trip was so long...i swear i couldve walked to like...bendigo and back.

but yes, it was an alright experience!! i thoought itd hurt like shit, but not just tasted really bad...and THAT WOMAN WITH THE SUCKING TUBE THING THAT SUCKS SALIVA OUT OF YOUR MOUTH WAS HORRIBLE AT WAT SHE DOES!! (sucking ;] ) all that minty fresh stuff went down my throat...

but none the less, my teeth does feel somewhat better...

i ate some much stuff!! im getting really out of shape. perhaps wen my arm heals proper, ill resume my fitness training :)

im really thirsty atm...craving like...SOLO....or MOUNTAIN DEW...

just checking in. tttyl!

Monday, December 6, 2010


okay so basically, lastnight i was the drunkest i have ever been,
i litteraly KO'ed and i dont remember SHIT ALL!!!!

i had way to much to drink throughout the DAYYY THENNN raised the stakes and got wasted at night.

i puked twice =="

and even the next day, i could NOT EAT OR DRINK because of the stomache pain.
i had a headspin everywhere i went....

i do not want this pain in a while, so im going to quit drinking...UNTIL NEW YEARS EVE :D

as we speak, my head and tummy hurts :(

Wednesday, December 1, 2010



i just changed my layout for my blog :)
because i thought itd be nice to change it up abit :)
keep it spicy and fresh for YOU special readers! :D


i just posted a NEWWWW playlist!! it has like 20 songs on it, which means i wont be needing to update it as often :D
dont stress, cos its on shuffle!
enjoy my music updates :)

bye bye !!