Monday, November 1, 2010


benny dang-er,

BASICALLY last night at a halloween party, we were tipsy so werent really knowing wat we were doing, he slipped and broke a glass door and got a giant cut on his arm that was FCKN DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPP!! no joke.

we (me paul isaac) insisted on taking him to hospital, but him being a true bro, not wanting to ruin our night, insisted us to stay or go home and shit.
hes exact words as he was losing shitloads of blood sitting down. "PARTY ON WITHOUT ME!!"
hes a true party beast, no doubt.

well yeah, it was a pretty deep cut. we got tissues, a towel, my tie and stuff to try stop the blood.
he said it didnt hurt, it was more the dizziness of losing the blood and stuff.
well soon enough, he left with a frend who didnt have enough seats in the car for all of us, and benny insisted us to NOT GO ALONG.

well for the rest of this story of the night, i cant really be stuffed re-typing it out, so basically just read this which i told benny about HOW we foudn him:

"we went back in and started calling ppl to lift us. nobody could. some ppl had their parents hiding car keys, some werent even home.
so me paul and isaac asked for a lift i think? with sally.
so we had 6 ppl in a 5 seater.
we werent sure which hospital u were in, although u apparently had membership somewhere, so i was like "BOXHILL HOSPITAL!!!" cos i kinda figured ud go to the closest hospital regardless of membership.
so then we got a lift there, got off and charged for the nearest bh hospitalbuilding, but it was some fckn "development centre" of bh hospital, we banged on the doors and shit, but it was locked. so we started circling the entire fckn block LOL!
every other building was empty and shit, so then we saw a blue yaris drive into the carpark. i ran after it and approached it as the car stopped, the fckn driver looked scared thinking we were gonna jack his car or something....he was a fob.
i asked him POLITELY where the emergency room is. he gave us directions, and we fckn bolted there like Cathy Freeman.
ran pass the ambulance thingos and spotted ur long hair. BAM got u."


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