Tuesday, September 28, 2010


i would like to introduce to u guys a magnificent music group.
on youtube, theres this guy called mrhansolism, hes music is entertaining :)))

so heres his channel. the comments below was given to hes recent cover for Bruno Mars - Just the way you are.
(copy to ur url bar)
this will entertain you.

Comments such as:

1 day ago 3

i dont know wat it is. but wen i hear ur voices i instantly have a rush of passion and hope.

your music gives me faith that in this world, good things and miracles can really happen. ur talent brings singing and art together, true creativity in this cover exploiting ur strengths and combining both ur natural potential to a whole new level.

pure excellence. i hope to be hearing more from you. thank you for spreading happiness amongst us lucky viewers.

1 day ago

omg srsly guys. u guys INSPIRED ME.. i m touched when i hear this. thanks guys for giving SUCH great amount of effort for this piece of art.. ur voices changed my life thanks alot guys <3

1 day ago



Saturday, September 25, 2010

RE: < 3

hi, i miss you heaps too,
the thing i wish i knew, how to do.
is to fly, to get to you.

i make u smile, u make me laugh.
ur a part of me, my other half.

u like my cuddles, i like ur hugs,
when my hands are cold, u were my glove.
holding on tight, yet soft and gentle,
to my love, ur fundamental.

u like how i whisper, cos i dont want to get caught,
cos if loving you was a crime, they'd take me to court.
now alot of ppl say ur abit too short,
i say ur compact, mobile, easy to transport.
if ur in a mess, tell me, file a report.
ill be right there, ill be ur "Child Support". (ahahahahaah)

u say its cute, when i tell u to come back,
cos id be sad, in pitch black, if its ur love that i lack.

u love tuesdays, i do too.
i look forward to them, cos it means Me and You.

if u like my text messages to you, randomly,
how do u like my love sent to you, regularly.

i love webcamming you too, and ur smiles.
just to tell u 11.11, id walk 100 miles.

a few train stations further, is nothing to me.
to see u safe, id walk on broken glass, bare knees.

i love too many things about you, too much to post,
my love for you, stretches from coast to coast,
and this last line, from anthony hou,
swanli chew, i love you the most. <3 :)

- that was just a reply to her blog post :))) and i decided to put it in a rhyme cos i was bored :P.

Friday, September 24, 2010


ahaha i read ur apology :)
its okay. i dont blame u.
i mean it sucks...no doubt.
but u know, shit happens.

another time maybe. but probably not these holidays.
so yeah.

just incase u were wondering, i forgive u EVEN though its not really ur fault.

anyways, goodnights :)
i love you <3

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Well let me make a list.
1. I miss you so much :(
2. Im working saturday and sunday ==
3. Tomorrow night i wont be here, im going to watch west side story musical with my family so i hope you're not going out during the day :)
4. I miss you
5. Op shops make my hands feel sssooo gross LOL but i love cheap bargains :)
6. I hope your shower is fun :)
7. I wish you were here
8. Holy crap i think my mum might come before i finish the list so if it stops suddenly, then ill try come back later tonight.
9. Dear john made me cry so much because it made me think about you, and writing in the blue book :(
10. I want a car to drive to you LOL
11. Its kind of funny how everything i do revolves around you
12. You mean alot to me.
13. -ganstaaa pose- :D
14. I have to go, i love you the most ♥
15. Meyou, always :)

let me make a reply to ur list!
1. gnaw i miss u so much aswell! :))) ♥
2. HAHAHA!! suffferrr!!! so wat time will u be back?
3. ROFL! u and a musical. i can jsut imagine u all excited in ur oversized seat :)
4. i miss u aswell!! twice as much :(
5. feels gross cos it could belong to someone with aids? LOL but then why do u buy them if it makes u feel gross?
6. my shower was alright, wouldve been better if u were there though ;)
7. wanna come over?
8. HAHAHAH!! ur so funny :) well it got to 15, so i suppose she didnt afterall?
9. wats the movie about?? give me a entire summary of the movie LOL
10. ride ur bike beb ;)
11. oh really? how so? :)
12. You mean the most to me.
13. GNAW UR SO CUTE :) ur a tru3 thug 4lyf.
14. gnnnaw will u be back? i love you the mostest ♥
15. Meyou, forever:)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

NEW PLAYLIST>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

yes if u havent noticed, i have once again UPDATED my playlist.
please sit back, relax with some cake whilst wearing a pair of stylish glasses.

anywaysss have fun.
PUT THAT THING BACK IN UR PANTS!!! inappropriate :)


lastnight i filled my bag with some bread and biscuits and a bottle of water and set off from my house to aarons house which was at jordanville station.
wen i got there i took a piss in the bush. LOL thought u mightve wanted to know :P
then me and aaron walked from jordanville station (his house)
to hansols house which was beyond the school, in syndal. so by then, i wouldve walked from my house (near oakliegh INNNN mount, to NEAR glen waverley).
after that we walked from hansols house to andy chois house LOOOL!! to meet jason lee (the korean).
on the way we passed sam chois house and he gave us bananas for the road. LOL
ANYWAYSSSS.....jason was apparently waiting for us for like...10 mins at andys (cos he lives nearby) but we were late, so he had already walked home.
by then, wen we called him and he said he was outside HIS OWN house, we were already at andys. so we decided to walk to jasons house from andys to prank HIM for ditching.
we got there and wrote a prank note and put some banana peels on his mailbox :D
we called his phone and said exact words (by aaron) : "come out and play."
and hung up =D
we hid behind a car/van thing and waited for him to come out. we waited for like...a minute or 2 and a taxi pulled up, and some white guy (the passenger) came out and asked us wat we were doing.
i answered we were waiting for a frend. and hes like "get away from my car."
LOOOOl and i was like "is this ur car. oh okay."
and for some random reason he started telling us off and swearing
"fuck off! go home! nick off!"
and we're like "we didnt even do anything."
and hes like "i know wat u boys were trying to do."
im like "yeah wat were we trying to do?"
and hes like "trying to steal my car."
LOOL so he thought we were trying tosteal our car.
we were like "u dont know anything mate." but then we left cos ew didnt want him to wake up the other neighbours and then wed get in trouble.
so we walked back to marvins and put in a prank note in HIM AND SAM SEETS mailbox along with some banana peels.
on the note we wrote along the lines of inviting marvin/sam to marvin/sams bbq tmr :)
after that, we decided to call it a night and go home.
hansol walked back to syndal whilst i walked aaron to jrodanvillle which was along the way to my house.
wen we got to aarons place, i got a call from kein cos he was bored. and he offered me a lift home.
so he and james came in jame's car (a guy in uni) and picked me up from jordanville and drove me home :D
i got home around 4.30am showered quickly, changed and went to bed. LOL

goodnnight indeed.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


finally i get to sleeep in!!!

oh and im feeling really random tonight, so im just going to write random shit.

ANDY: the money i owe u ($2) is now owed by thomas correct?

SAM SONG: tell her mate tell her.

PAUL: brandons sunday?

THOMAS: redye ur hair mate.

RICHARD: get well soon kent.

HANSOL: sorry about the "BLOOD" on various places.


sigh now i cbs thinking of other ppl to name.
there are a few in mind atm, but if i mentioned them, then others will bother me about why i didnt name them.
so yeah.

anywayssss, holidays means haircut :)
i plan to shorten my sidies as it seems to long and sloppy :P

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


me and sam battle latitia and cindee on msn.
we were quite bored.
so yeah.

copy and paste the link into ur url bar :)

cmon, WE OWNED THEM :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

her bday

so her birthday is coming up!
wat shall i get her...????

i have like NO money.... but i want to get something worth while....
thinking extremely hard...my heads about to explode D:


Saturday, September 11, 2010

random msn convo.

"gnnaww ur so cute, but u lied.
i just died a little bit inside.
i see u want to rhyme about love?
that i can do, ur an angel from above.
love is my speciality, wanna know why?
cos i can relate, its true with no disguise.
u are beauitful, my wish came true,
for christmas, my birthday, i wanted you.
santa told me, i had to be good,
if i did that, he promised he would.
so here u are, with me now,
everytime with u, my heart beats so loud.
like a drum in my chest that i cannot stop,
ill take to eat, movies, and shop till u drop.
me and you together equals what?
mathematical question, answers love."

- that was wen she sneaked online after a hard tiring prom night just to talk to me. she lied about drawing something she didnt :) (if that was wat u guys were wondering about)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

is it getting better?

i feel like its sorta getting better between us. but the feeling just isnt the same...
it doesnt feel genuine....i dunno maybe im just paranoid...

Monday, September 6, 2010

new blog!

alright so 2 nights ago, me and sam song decided to make a new blog just for us to write random shit and vent and stuff.
this doesnt mean im going to leave this blog. im just going to be writing more so of the rhyming stuffs on that one alongside sam song.

credit to sam for thinking of this good idea and making the team name :)

so yeah, here it is: http://forbiddenaskcity.blogspot.com/



it feels like ages....

its obvious now that things have changed. we both want to change it back, but we cant.
all we can do now is cherish wat we have.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


okay so its been ages since i updated my playlist.
so here it is.
enjoyyy :)))


i dont know why, but it feels like its been ages since i last bummed in the city.
i was suppose to study today, but obviously that didnt really work out.
it feels good to feel, in a sense, free.

i know i have alot of sacs and assignments dued next week, but i really cbs thinking wat i have. i know i have SOMETHING, but not sure of wat....

i miss the feel of excitement. its really lacking recently.
i dont feel very alive.
im the type of person who cant sit still in their chair, so atm u can imagine how much it sucks for me.

Friday, September 3, 2010


yes once again its one of my bordem posts...
nothing much to write about...but felt like writing :S

hmmmm, so these few days ive been extremely tireedddddd, sleeping after midnight for like weeks now.

i just wish i could sleep in for once =="

nothing else to write really :\

oh wait, yeah, things have been differently lately. we dont see each other often at all anymore. its not like something in particular is wrong, but i guess its just how it is. we never call anymore, she gets her phone taken off her at nights, we dont see each other for more than 5 minutes at skool. we dont see each other at all out of skool.
things are changing, change is good. but some things, i wish would stay the same forever.

goodnight readerssss :)