Monday, February 8, 2010


these past few days had been okay. not outstandingly good, nor bad.
although the weekends had been a awesome relaxation hangout time, a sudden bomb dropped at the end.
One of my best friends luck just turned. everything was going so RIGHT for him/her even i dont understand why the sudden explosion.
i cant stop worrying. but awell, i suppose i cant really do much about it....

mmmmmmmm......i dunno why, but it seems like wen ur hungry u really want food, but after u start eating, people come along and offer u more and more. Even though the other foods are tasty, you only really need that ONE meal. but that one meal is cold, it doesnt warm u up, u need to eat it, but its so cold that it makes u iced and frozen....

mmmmm....on top of all this, hw is murdering me like hell. im stressed.
i really need to relaxxxxxx.......


  1. awww.. -hug-

    hmm about the food thing, is that supposed to represent something else? Kinda like.. no matter how many things come your way, you don't want it. And the only thing you do want is out of reach? >< or are you seriously talking about food? haha. sorry. reading into it too much!

  2. mmm i dunno, thats for u readers to decide :)

  3. take HEAPS of study breaks. you can go on runs for yur breaks. that helps too. take five mins off for leisure, then back to studying. helps a lot. and dont work in HOT HOT conditions. chillax buddy.
