Thursday, April 14, 2011


you probably dont know ive always been reading your blog. but since our break up, we havent really been talking about our feelings and your blog is kinda the only insight ive had on how you really felt.
after reading that, i smiled. not a massive grin, not a sneer, not a laugh; but just a little smile. i smile not in amusement or humour. i smile through gladness. im glad that you have become the stronger girl id hope you to be. im glad you have realised i am only just another guy. im glad you are now able to put the past behind you and move on. im glad you are no longer sad.
i guess i feel the same way at this point. that no matter when it is or where im at, there will always be a part of me that still loves you. but im sure as we both live our lives, we will come to realise that we've been lucky to have each other and that to every beginning there is always an ending; we definitely had a good run, thats all that matters.

although we cannot end as lovers, we're still good friends and i hope that whenever you need someone to talk to or when you need help; ill be here, as a friend.

by the way, please do your homework :) and dont party to hard and dont do anything you will regret, but most importantly take care of yourself.

i dont know if u remember any of these pictures, but we drew them. i chose these two pictures to just say; thanks for being there for me in time of need, but here's the ending of our story.

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