Friday, April 30, 2010

6 months =D

Today, Friday 30th of April 2010 marks "Swanthony"s 6 months :)

i love you <3

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Bros.

At a time of need, when im feeling shit, guess who comes and asks me if im alright?
the bros.
When i need to tell someone, guess whos there to listen?
the bros.
When i need company, guess whos there to standby me?
the bros.

Its weird. It all begins with them. I know i havent really been "THERE" these few months for various reasons. They understand, theyve stayed with me throughout, when im in need, theyre always there.

So i really need someone on saturday. They give up there EVENTS, THEIR TIME for me :)
especially ONE of them, u know who u are, it was his big break, he could do it big time. but nahhhh, he chose to ditch it for me.
These people arent just friends, they are truly bros. not by blood, but by spirit and relation.

Its going to be great, because i will be with the people thats been there for me everytime.

RAPTA - "i love you booyyyyssssssss"


Anger: –noun
a strong feeling of displeasure and belligerence aroused by a wrong; wrath; ire.
Chiefly British Dialect. pain or smart, as of a sore.
Obsolete. grief; trouble.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

i seeeee. important date coming up.
what? uve gotta go somewhere that day? [ :S ]
youd rather be with me then? [ :) ]
nahh just go its okay...... [ :\ ]
wat? cant decide? just goooo...dw bout me. [ :| ]
yeah i know its really important to us,
but still, gooo its okay [ >.> ]

okay yeah...its all good. [ O.O ]
yeah, ill find something to do. [ :( ]
yep. [ :\ ]
oh bbl? [ o.o ]
byes [ =.= ]

wth was all that?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

at her place :)

today i went to her place :)
nobody was homeee :))))
5 hours just to us.
i think we made alot out of those few hours and made up for the time we havent seen each other ;)
it was much funnn

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


fuck u.